COVID-19 Update - August
Need a face covering? Get one from Pierce Transit Vanpool.
Hello Vanpoolers,
Thank you for your ongoing commitment to smart commuting! We hope this email finds you safe and well.
Here are the key updates for July:
- Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, Pierce Transit Vanpool will continue providing fare credits, waivers, and minimum ridership flexibility through August 2020. We will continue to assess the situation and provide additional information on future months as we move forward.
- In support of Gov. Inslee’s statewide order requiring individuals to wear a cloth face covering in public, Pierce Transit will have a selection of face coverings available for vanpool customers at no charge starting Monday, July 13. If you need a face covering, please stop by our office located at 9622 40th Ave SW in Lakewood after Monday (7/13) and pick one up while supplies last. Face coverings will be located on the south side of our building in a weatherproof crate near the spare van key box. Use your gate pass to access the lot.
- New riders, driver applicants and bookkeeper volunteers may complete our new Vanpool Application & Agreement online – no printing or physical signatures required. The new online form replaces the participant agreement, driver application and bookkeeper acceptance forms. If you have older versions of those forms, please dispose of them and use the new online Vanpool Application & Agreement moving forward.
- New riders can try vanpooling for FREE on one of our 300+ vanpools! If you know someone who is interested in joining a vanpool, please have them contact our office for more information.
Information on our continued response to COVID-19 and available resources is listed below:
Please feel free to contact us with any questions at or 253-581-8000 (option 3, then 2).
Thank you for choosing to commute with Pierce Transit.
All the best,
Pierce Transit Vanpool
- Due to the ongoing impact of COVID-19, Pierce Transit Vanpool will continue providing fare credits, waivers, and minimum ridership flexibility through August 2020. We will continue to assess the situation and provide additional information on future months as we move forward.
- We will continue to prorate monthly fares based on number of commute days and/or temporary loss of ridership. Credits are valid for up to 12 months. Vanpools that do not operate for an entire calendar month will have their fares waived.
- We will continue to temporarily ease ridership requirements for vanpools. Groups falling below the required minimum of five commuters can continue to operate.
- If you receive an employer subsidy for all or part of your vanpool fare, please check with your employer on possible changes to subsidy requirements in response to COVID-19.
- While it is encouraged that you spread out as much as possible in the van, maintaining current social distancing guidelines may be difficult. Riders should use their personal discretion when deciding to participate in a vanpool.
- As part of the current social distancing guidelines, we will continue to temporarily ease the ridership requirements for vanpools. Groups falling below the required minimum of five commuters will be allowed to operate.
As part of our commitment to keep our customers safe and our vehicles clean and disinfected, we will continue to:
- Disinfect our fleet of spare vans and vans that come in for service, focusing on “high touch” areas.
As an added precaution for groups returning to the road, five new vehicle disinfecting sites are available to vanpool customers at no charge. Disinfecting sites are open 7 days a week from 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM:
Commerce St & Pacific Ave in Tacoma
Tacoma Community College Transit Center
South Hill Mall Transit Center
As a reminder:
- Do not vanpool if you feel sick
- Wear a cloth face covering as recommended by public health officials
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and/or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Cover your coughs and sneezes
- Clean and disinfect objects and surfaces
Please refer to the Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department website for additional information on COVID-19 and instructions on how to keep yourself, your family and the community healthy.
Pierce Transit is closely monitoring all available information, including updated recommendations from local, state and federal authorities. We will continue to update our customers with any changes that would further impact operations.
New riders can try vanpooling for FREE. Check out our list of Current Vanpools and call 253-581-8000 (option 3, then 2) for details. Additional information on joining a vanpool is available at |
Please continue to submit monthly ridership reports and fare sheets on time, even if your vanpool is not operating, operating occasionally, and/or operating with fewer riders than normal. We still need this information to keep things running smoothly as we move forward.
- Submit ridership and mileage reports at by the first of the month.
- Submit fare and payment sheets to your account contact at Pierce Transit by the first of the month.
Please reach out to your account contact at Pierce Transit with questions about completing the monthly reports.
- Even though many vanpools are currently sidelined, we are still reaching out to schedule routine service so that your van stays ready to run when the time comes. Please be responsive to our requests to bring your van in for maintenance. No-contact drop-off options are available.
- Pierce Transit continues to disinfect all vans that come in for service, focusing on “high touch” areas.
- If your vanpool is not currently operating, please keep the van parked at a group member’s home, ideally at the home of the primary or secondary driver. If there are no viable options for parking the van at a group member’s home, please contact our office at 253-581-8000 (option 3, then 2) or and we will work with you to find a suitable place to park the van.
Vans that are not in use for an extended period of time need to be started periodically to prevent the battery from going dead. If your van is parked, please start it each week and allow it to idle for 10 - 15 minutes.